
청운국제심포지엄 연혁

연혁 테이블
1회 1회 The 1st Cheongwoon International Symposium 과학과 예술의 만남 When Science Meets Arts 2005. 10.18-20 | October 18th ~ 20th, 2005
2회 2회 The 2nd Cheongwoon International Symposium 생물의 진화 Evolution of Life 2006. 08.15-17 | August 15th ~ 17th, 2006
3회 3회 The 3rd Cheongwoon International Symposium 생물의 멸종, 그 이후 Extinction of Life, and beyond... 2007.10.18-19 | October 18th~19th, 2007
4회 4회 The 4th Cheongwoon International Symposium 안전하고 건강한 삶을 위한 지구 과학 Earth Science Safer, Healthier, Wealthier Life 2008.09.20-22 | September 20th~22th, 2008
5회 5회 The 5th Cheongwoon International Symposium 자연과 지구 온난화 Nature and Global Warming 2009.09.20-22 | September 20th-22th, 2009
6회 6회 The 6th Cheongwoon International Symposium 기후변화와 생물다양성 Climate Change and Biodiversity 2010.09.26-28 | September 26th-28th, 2010
7회 7회 The 7th Cheongwoon International Symposium 녹색지구, 화학과 함께 Green Earth with Chemistry 2011.09.01-03 |September 1st-3rd, 2011
8회 8회 The 8th Cheongwoon International Symposium 지속가능한 에너지와 청색지구 Sustainable Energy and blue Earth 2012.09.21 |September 21th, 2012